Privacy Policy

Valid from 22 May 2022

This Privacy Policy of VIVI dna Sàrl, headquartered at Boulevard Georges-Favon 3, c/o FGRD Fiduciaire Genève SA, CH-1204 Geneva (hereinafter referred to as «us» or «VIVI dna»") governs the handling and processing of your (hereinafter referred to as «you» or the «user») data, personal and non-personal, by VIVI dna or third parties (hereinafter referred to as «Third Parties») relating to the use of our website (hereinafter referred to as the «Website») and the purchase of products (hereinafter «Products»).

1. Introduction / consent

We process your data in accordance with the law, to the extent and for the purposes indicated by you through your consent to this Privacy Policy or when we are obliged to do so by law.

This Privacy Policy explains what data is collected when you use our services, how and for what purpose this data is processed and to whom it may be passed on. You will also find out what rights you have against us with regards to the use of your data, and information on how you can check, correct or delete your personal data.

We collect personal data in order to offer you better services: for instance, to optimize our Website, to tailor our product offerings to customer needs, or to customize offers and customer communication. By collecting personal data we are also able to simplify our purchasing processes and customer services.

This Privacy Policy governs the processing of past and future data. The relevant approval by you therefore covers not only data that will be processed in the future, but also data that we have already saved.

You can contact us by e-mail at

2. What is personal data and the processing of personal data?

Personal data is any information concerning a specific physical or legal person or an identifiable person. This includes, in particular, information relating to your identity, such as your name, e-mail address and possibly also your IP address and device ID (hereinafter referred to as «personal data»). Non-personal data and anonymised data are also referred to in this Privacy Policy as data (hereinafter referred to as «data»).

Processing is understood as the handling of data of all kinds, in particular the collection, storage, use, modification, communication, archiving or destruction of data (hereinafter referred to as «processing»), irrespective of the means or processes used.

3. What kind of personal data do we collect?

We collect and process personal data in numerous situations and for various purposes. When you visit our Website, buy our Products in the online shop, leave a review, contact our customer service or communicate with us using one of the available channels, we collect information to improve the service we offer you.

We also obtain information from Third Parties. In all cases, data acquired from third-party providers is treated with the same care and security as other personal data handled by us.

The data we collect depends on the service for which it is used. For example, name, address, payment information and other contact data are required for the delivery of a product purchased in the online shop.

4. When do we collect personal data?

We collect personal data:

  • When you purchase Products from our Website (e.g. name, gender, date of birth, address, e-mail, telephone number, credit card details, password).
  • When you access our Website. Our Website also uses cookies; for more information on the use of cookies and how to manage them, please refer to our Cookie Policy.
  • When you subscribe to our mailing list.
  • When you contact us.
  • When you contact our customer service department at
  • When you interact with us on social media (by mentioning and tagging us or contacting us directly).

Personal data may also be collected from other sources; this includes, in particular, information about your creditworthiness and other similar information provided by credit companies, data from mailing list brokers, data from financial service providers when making payments, and information about you that Third Parties pass on to us, e.g. as part of administrative or judicial proceedings or in the course of communicating with us.

This information is collected and stored on our servers or the servers of Third Parties (see para. 6) or locally on your device when we use, for example, your browser memory and application caches.

5. How do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data mainly in connection with the purchase of Products on the Internet through our Website (, as well as for the specific purposes described below and for other purposes which we disclose to you separately or which are self-evident:

  • for the execution of purchase contracts, including the handling of shipping and payment, and the handling of returns and complaints. More information on this can be found in our GTC;
  • for communication with you and Third Parties, as well as for customer service;
  • for the analysis of the ordering and purchasing habits of our customers with a view to improving our assortment and the presentation of our articles, e.g. by allocating them to specific customer segments;
  • for advertising and marketing, e.g. for customer events, for sending specific information to target groups and for marketing communications via mail, e-mail and web push notifications;
  • for the planning, administration and customisation of our Website;
  • for the verification and fulfilment of legal obligations, for the identification, detection and prevention of misuse and for the assertion of rights or the rejection of claims
  • for internal purposes, e.g. for the preparation and conduct of corporate acquisitions and disposals and other related transactions, for the administration and management of our IT and other resources, for accounting, archiving, training and other administrative purposes, and for the control and improvement of our internal processes.

6. Forwarding of data to Third Parties

In order to be able to offer you our services, we also cooperate with other companies and other parties by entrusting them with the processing and storage of data. These parties also have access to your personal or usage data.

However, we never sell personal data to Third Parties.

Data may be passed on as indicated below.

  • Contractual partners / mandated data processing: Sales agents or suppliers may also have access to data in order to fulfil contractual obligations relating to the provision of specific services, for collection and marketing purposes, for usage analysis or to maintain the operation of our facility. Furthermore, where possible and appropriate, we ensure adequate anonymisation of data. We also oblige our contractual partners to process data exclusively for the achievement of the contractual purpose and only transmit necessary information to them.
  • Abroad: We are also entitled to pass on your personal data to commissioned service providers (e.g. hosting and software service providers) operating abroad, as long as it serves the data processing described in this privacy policy. Like us, these parties are obliged to ensure data protection.
  • Legal reasons: In certain situations we may disclose your data to Third Parties (e.g. in the course of official investigations and/or criminal proceedings), e.g. in cases where we are legally obliged to do so or where we can assume in good faith that access, use, storage or transmission of the data is necessary for the enforcement of the applicable conditions of use, to detect, prevent or combat fraud or security breaches or to protect the rights and property of VIVI dna. In the event of a merger, acquisition or sale of a business, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of personal data by notifying the users concerned before the data is transmitted or becomes the subject of another privacy policy.

If a service provider resides in countries where the applicable legislation does not provide for personal data protection equivalent to Swiss law, VIVI dna will in all cases require it to comply with the rules and obligations established by Swiss law.

You have the possibility to object to this transmission at any time by sending us a communication (point 12).

7. Cookies and other technologies

Together with our selected partners we use various technologies to collect, save and evaluate the data you provide us with when using our services. In particular, we use cookies, through which your browser or device can be identified. These are small files, automatically created by the browser you use, which are saved on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device when you consult our services. Each time you log in again, cookies recognise your browser and are able to save your user settings and other information.

Some cookies are essential for the functionality of the Website (such as the shopping cart in the online shop) and are deleted automatically at the end of your visit. Other cookies serve to store settings in the event of a subsequent visit, to process anonymous statistics on the use of our Website and to personalise the content of our internet pages. The latter, if not deleted manually or blocked by default, remain stored on your computer or mobile device for a predefined period of time before being deleted automatically.

The cookies installed serve, first and foremost, to present the functionality of the various services to you in the most convenient and secure way possible. In addition, the information collected via cookies enables us to improve our services according to customer needs. You can prevent cookies from being stored or delete them (individually) by configuring your browser accordingly.

Please note, however, that by blocking cookies you will no longer be able to use all the functions of a service and that deleting cookies will also delete opt-out cookies (see para. 9). On the next visit, it will therefore be necessary to activate the opt-out cookies again, otherwise the user will be recognised as a new user and will have to re-enter his/her data. Some services that do not support cookies use other technologies to achieve the same goals.

We also use third party cookies to enable them to collect data necessary for their services. This allows these providers to collect information about your use of our Website in order to provide their services; this is mainly statistical analysis of the use of our Website. However, it is possible for Third Parties to cross-reference the information collected about you with data from other websites that you visit and use it for their own purposes (e.g. to influence the partner websites of these providers). If you are registered with the third-party provider in question, the latter is able to identify you.

In these cases, the processing of your personal data takes place under the responsibility of the provider, in accordance with its data protection provisions.

8. Log files

When you consult our services, your browser transmits certain information to us, which for technical reasons is saved in protocol files, so-called log files. In particular, we save the time, duration and type of access to the service, the IP address of the device used, the type of browser, the Internet service provider and the operating system used, the address of the Internet sites from which you were redirected to our Internet page and which you access after visiting us; amount of data transmitted.

The collection and analysis of this information helps us to continuously improve our services and to adapt them to the needs of our customers, to correct errors, to ensure the security and stability of our systems, as well as to improve the capacity of our servers based on usage volumes in order to optimize your experience when using our services. You will not be identified and the information collected automatically will not be linked to your personal data.

9. Google services

The use of our services is measured and evaluated using various technical systems, mainly by third-party providers. Website tracking and analysis tools provide us with useful information and statistics to better understand how our services are used and thus adapt them to users' needs.

Google's services:

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Google Tag Manager
  1. Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc., which in turn uses cookies (see section 5). As a rule, the information generated by the cookie about your use of our services is transmitted to and stored on a Google server in the USA. You can find detailed information on Google Analytics at

You can prevent Google from collecting and processing the data generated by the cookie about your use of the Website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link In addition, you can deactivate Google Analytics for online advertising under "Display settings": To deactivate Google's DoubleClick cookie permanently, click on the following link:

Further information and the current Google data protection regulations can be found at and at

2. Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager has been added to our Website. Google Tag Manager is a tool that allows you to manage and insert marketing tags (snippets or tracking pixels) into a website (or mobile app), without having to modify the code. It allows you to activate other tags that could capture your data.

The company operating the Google Tag Manager services is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States; location of processing: United States.

Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Google can be found at

10. Social media plugins and other integrations of third-party offers

Our services may be linked with other third-party services and functions. The sharing of content on these platforms is simplified through the use of plugins.

When a user consults our services that contain this type of plugin, a link is automatically created with the server of the respective provider, which in this way collects and saves predefined information (e.g. time of consultation of the services, browser type and IP address). If you already have a user account, the provider can associate this information with your profile. If you then interact with the plugins (e.g. by clicking the 'Like' button or posting a comment), this information will also be transmitted to the provider and then saved.

In all these cases, the terms of use and data protection provisions of these providers, which you have agreed to separately, generally apply. Since we have no control over the use of the data collected by Third Parties, we do not assume any liability in this respect.

Here are the services that interact with social networks and platforms:

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. LinkedIn
1. Facebook

Facebook is a social network on which users create a virtual profile in order to connect with other users. Through cookies, Facebook collects information about your surfing habits and your interest in our Website. Habits include, for example, your accesses to the Website or the subpages you have opened. In addition, Facebook has the possibility of associating this information with your Facebook profile. Facebook will receive this information even if you do not interact with the plugin.

The service provider of Facebook is Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.

For data protection issues outside the USA and Canada, Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland is responsible.

Further information and the applicable data protection regulations of Facebook can be found at

2. Instagram

Instagram is an audiovisual platform on which users can share photos and videos. In addition, Instagram offers its users the possibility of disclosing this data on other social networks.

Through cookies, Instagram collects information about your browsing habits on our website. Habits include, for example, your accesses to the Website or the subpages you have opened. In addition, Instagram has the possibility of associating this information with your Instagram profile. Instagram will receive this information even if you do not interact with the Instagram plugin.

The service management company of Instagram is Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.

For data protection issues outside the USA and Canada for Instagram services, Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland is responsible.

Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Instagram can be found at

3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a web-based social network that allows users to manage existing business contacts and create new ones.

LinkedIn does not store or use personal data generated from passive browsing on our Website via the 'Share on LinkedIn' button. Information relating to your passive browsing is collected not when you interact on the "Share on LinkedIn" button, but simply when you visit our Website on which the "Share on LinkedIn" button is present. When you interact with the "Share on LinkedIn" button (e.g. by sharing an article on LinkedIn), information about your "active browsing" is transmitted to LinkedIn.

The management company of LinkedIn is the LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 W. Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, United States.

For data protection issues in the EU, EEA and Switzerland, LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland, is responsible.

The current data protection provisions of LinkedIn are available at

11. Data protection / security / duration of data retention

We take appropriate technical and organizational precautions to protect your data against access by unauthorized persons and against misuse. These measures are monitored periodically and adapted to the progress of technology. However, we accept no liability for the loss, disclosure or use of data by Third Parties.

We retain personal data for as long as required by law and, in any case, until the objectives of the contract are achieved. We also retain personal data if we have a legitimate interest in doing so, e.g. for the purposes of documenting and preserving evidence and for the protection and defence of legal rights, as long as they are subject to a legal retention obligation.

We delete your personal data when they are no longer needed.

Please note, however, that the transmission of information via the Internet and other electronic media involves security risks and that we cannot provide any guarantee for the security of information transmitted to us via these channels.

12. Right to information, access rectification and deletion of your data/contact details

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. You may at any time request which personal data we are processing on you, as well as the rectification or deletion of your data, by sending a written communication, together with proof of your identity, to the following address:

In the event of incorrect information, we will update you at your request.

You can ask us to delete your data and not to use it any more. If you have consented to the use of your data for marketing purposes, you may revoke this consent.

In some cases we are required by law to retain the data for which you have revoked your consent.

Deletion of your data may prevent us from offering you certain services related to our Products.

13. Complaints and supervisory authority

If you have the impression that we have processed your personal data improperly, you may contact us at any time. The Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner ("FDPIC") is responsible for the enforcement and control of data protection in Switzerland. Complaints can also be submitted to the appointee. The contact details of the FDPIC can be found here or by telephone on 0584 624 395.

14. Updating and changing the data protection declaration

At our discretion and without prior notice, we may from time to time update, amend, supplement or otherwise revise this Privacy Policy. We will inform you of any relevant changes, but we recommend that you check this declaration regularly to ensure that you have read the latest version.